Great links!
I know, I know.  My recipe posts have been a tad thin for the last two weeks or so.  Truth is I've been cheating on you a bit, working with a few incredible food media cohorts.

I just wrapped an article for the upcoming winter issue of the gorgeous Green Door Magazine.  Green Door is a relatively new magazine published in the Hudson Valley, NY, but with charming rural/urban interest pieces that are a total joy regardless of your locale.  It "espouses the benefits of country living in a socially conscious society, while retaining an attachment to the realities of urban life. It is ‘a journal of comfortable living,’ as the magazine profiles artists, residences, food, wine, local farms, events and the evolution of transplanted city-dwellers." A pitchfork diary indeed.

Keep an eye out for upcoming issues, or subscribe, or follow them on facebook or their blog.


I also had the great honor of getting to be a panelist at my alma matter in Steven Shaw's outstanding food blogging course.  I took the course myself a year and a half ago, and well, the rest is history.

Most enjoyable was the chance to meet a bunch of new food bloggers, many of whom are just starting out with their first posts in this course.  Sharp and creative, with lots of super innovative ideas and delicious recipes, it was such a pleasure to hear their thoughts and see what they are working on and ideas they are working out.

With many of the blogs I look at, I love to go back in the archives and see their very first few posts and photos and get a sense of where it all started.  Here are the blogs from this group of new bloggers, all with great things to offer.  Catch 'em from the start.

Ingredient Studio

Frankie Cooks

Sweet Tea and Taters

The Traveling Gourmand

Amusing My Bouche

Nibbling Gypsy

NY Paladar

Eating in Your Underwear

High Self of Steam

Sweet Kitchen

Crumberry Bake Shop

Fun Fearless Foodie

3 responses to “Great links!”

  1. Great plug for the new bloggers! Was fun being on the panel together.

    I’m going to check out Green Door – we spend a lot of time in the Hudson Valley, and I’m sure they’ll find much worth writing about.

  2. Jax says:

    You are lovely. Thanks for this, and thanks for visiting the class!

  3. […] Last month, I was also honored to be part of the panel hosted by Steven Shaw at the ICC for his current class. I’ve written a couple of times about how much I’d gotten from the program and it was great to compare notes with Lisa from This Little Piggy Went to the Farmer’s Market and Rebecca at Season With Reason. Catie Baumer Schwalb (who has one of those names you can’t help but write out) of the Pitchfork Diaries wrote a great round-up of the newest crop of bloggers we met that you can find here. […]

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Catie Baumer Schwalb is a chef, food writer and photographer, who splits her life between the city and the country. Not too long ago Catie was a New York City based actress and playwright for more than a decade. She has her Master of Fine Arts from the National Theater Conservatory, and her Grand Diplôme in classic culinary arts from the French Culinary Institute in New York City. ... Read More

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